Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Week of School this week hasn't been a full week and I still have one more day left. Right now my feet are throbbing and my voice is gone, but hopefully after a full night's rest I will be well energized and ready to face the last day of the week. I love teaching, but the first few days always seem to be the toughest on my body. I don't sit around all of the time during the summer, but something about being in the classroom those first few days really tends to wear me down. We were lucky and had a shorter week due to Fay. Thank goodness for that. Tomorrow night I'm heading out for a "book chat" - the common term that my friends and I use in our work e-mails that refers to getting a beverage after work. I'm looking forward to sitting back and relaxing with a few other of those hard working teachers! Hope to get more pictures up on the blog this weekend. TGIF!