Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fun on the Farm

The kids LOVE the Boyd Farm.  Hunter spent most of the summer on the farm doing a wide variety of things.  So many memories were made.  The market was particularly busy.  I think Mackenzie ate more cantelopes than she sold.  
Mackenzie is quite the colorful character.  This hat fit her personality perfect.  She had fun posing for some pictures in it.

Hunter wanted to constantly help or create something this summer.  He washed veggies, swept where needed, and restocked when items were low.  (Pops helped him with the restocking.)

I have to say that everytime we arrived, Hunter would take off and go check the hen house for eggs.  One trip he came back with 17 eggs.  Pops had made sure to leave them for Hunter that morning.  He loved going to check for those eggs.  Honestly, I have never gone and collected fresh eggs.  I need him to show me how :)
Mackenzie loves her Pops.  He spoils her and makes her smile.  I love the bond that they both have with Annmother and Pops.