Monday, November 9, 2009

Viva La Follies

This was our opening costumes. I was involved in 3 different numbers (not including the opening number and finale). I was disappointed that I didn't grab my camera in between acts. The costumes were amazing and some have even been seen on Broadway.
The last month has been filled with ups and downs. October 5th we went in for an ultrasound and was told that the pregnancy had become a miscarriage. The news was hard at first, but as the week unfolded I quickly realized that I have a wonderful blessing already. I am enjoying every moment with Hunter and know that no matter what I am lucky to have such a wonderful son.
Prior to that week I had joined the Junior League of Bristol, (A blessing in disguise) I joined this amazing group of women in order to get involved with the community and meet new people. Every 3 years the JL puts on a Follies show. This year the theme was Las Vegas. They fly a director down from NY to produce the show. We had 3 and 1/2 weeks of grueling practice every morning (splits and cart wheels included). We went from clueless to dance stars. I had a blast getting to know everyone and making a fool of myself with everyone. In the end, the show was a huge success. The money that we raised will go back to the community in several forms. One of the projects is Backpack for Kids - Every other week selected kids from several schools go home with 2 weekends worth of food). Although these women don't know much about my personal life, they helped me through this tough time. I walked away with some bruises, creaking bones, sore muscles, and a lot of memories!