I didn't realize how messy the room was prior to this picture, but it is not the mess that matters, but the family around the mess. My eyes tend to jump over messes these days :)
Mackenzie's first bite. Hunter wanted to make sure he was apart of this picture.
Mackenzie's first bite. Hunter wanted to make sure he was apart of this picture.
She thrusted them out. However, she thrusts everything out. Thanks to Aunt Wendy, we have some really cool spoons that help take care of this.
We always eat dinner together as a family, but this is the first time Mackenzie has eaten dinner with us. She started eating cereal over Christmas (but I didn't get any pictures). However, I just set up her high chair today. I also decided to try carrots with her tonight also. It just so worked out we were eating dinner the same time she was due to eat. It was fun watching Mackenzie enjoy her carrots together as a family. She wasn't quite sure what to make of them, but she at them. I think she is going to be a good eater.