Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Hunter's 4th Birthday!

Hunter's Birthday hat from school.
The birthday book his class made him. Everyone of the kids had colored a picture and put it in the book with a message for Hunter.

Proud to be 4

Adam and Hunter made a microphone with his Tinker Toys that he opened that night.

Skyping with 2 clowns.

I can't believe my baby is 4 years old. 3 years old, I still considered him a small preschooler. 4 years old sounds so BIG! Several things change when you are 4. I realized the other night that no longer does he sit in the catagory of "younger than 4" on the cough medicine bottle. He now is in the "4 and older" catagory. So big!!!

Hunter's birthday fell on a Tuesday this year. Adam took cupcakes to school for his class to celebrate. Hunter came home with a birthday hat and a tummy full of cupcakes. His class even made him a birthday book. Really cute! We had a really small birthday dinner at Jason's Deli and then came home and celebrated at home with a birthday cake. We ended the evening with Skyping Nannie and Papa singing "Happy Birthday" with clown wigs. We tried to Skype with Annmother and Pops and weren't successful. They did get to talk to him and sing over the phone. He loves talking to them all!