Saturday, September 6, 2008

Lesson Plan and Assessment...for those Collier County Teachers out there

Random Photo...2 Additions to our yard...the Royal Palms.
Bed Time Story...reviewing Plot Development and introducing Main Idea and Details ;)
The standard we are covering is Main Idea and Details. Callie is a little confused.

Being so far away from family is not easy. I have posted our immediate family's pictures on the fridge for Hunter to enjoy. Today we had a lesson and an assessment of Hunter's progress. Well, as you can see, he passed saying the names, but not following directions. He was a little distracted by the toy below. However, I observed that he was successful with making matches and pairs. I think I'll give him an 90%. I'm totally kidding about the assessment and lesson plan. If you are a teacher in Collier County, you will find this funny. I'm crunching the data to make sure he has made gains ;)