Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Sunday

The Easter bunny left a trail of eggs that lead to the Easter baskets.
Mackenzie and Hunter getting into their Easter baskets. Hunter got some new "jammies", Scooby Doo gummies, a couple of movies, and new cups. Mackenzie got some Puffs, a stuffed bunny, and babyfood.

The "deer in the headlights" look.

I have to admit they looked so good in their Sunday best. Nannie made the bonnet and Annmother gave Hunter his shorts. We had a little of each of them with us today.

Enjoying the Sunday morning Florida weather.

Mackenzie loved the wagon. I wasn't sure if she was ready, but with a seatbelt she was fine. It is amazing how fast she has gotten the hang of sitting so well.

Hunter wanted to pull Mackenzie all by himself. He did really well pulling her around the yard.

We haven't had any Easter Sunday plans other to enjoy each other. The kids woke up and found their Easter baskets. We then dressed and went to church. After church, I felt a little lost. For 7 years we haven't had any Easter "traditions". The last 2 years we were with the family in Nashville. We decided on going to eat at Bob Evans. Breakfast sounded appealing to all of us and I really didn't want to cook.

Eating out is different now that Mackenzie is sitting in a high chair. I remember us not going out to eat with Hunter when he was younger, but I had forgotten why. Mackenzie is quickly reminding me of why we didn't go out to eat that much. She likes to pull anything and everything off of the table. Just like everything else, the more we go out to eat, the more routine this process is getting. She does really well, but it is just not routine for me yet.

After lunch, we came home and took our Sunday afternoon naps. We then woke up and enjoyed the afternoon by watching the golf tournament on TV and playing outside. Even though our family in Tennessee was greatly missed, we enjoyed the day together.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Outing

The race is on...
Finding as many eggs as he can.

This one was hidden further back and harder to see, but he spotted it.

Some of the eggs were hidden in the flowers. This threw them off a little. They just assumed that they were flowers and not eggs.

The Boyd bunch hanging out by the pool.

Counting the eggs

Mackenzie decided to try a few out. Hunter wasn't too pleased with her putting them in her mouth.

Exploring Easter eggs on her own.

The Burke family was so nice to invite us to a Easter Egg Hunt and dinner this past Saturday. The kids had a blast running and looking for eggs. Hunter's basket (made by Nannie) was the biggest basket of them all. I had put grass in the bottom which helped the basket to fill a little faster. Mackenzie had fun helping Hunter go through his eggs. Afterwards, the kids swam. Mackenzie and I did join them, but I didn't get any pictures of us swimming. She wore her bathing suit from Annmother. It was really cute. I hope to get pictures next time I put her in it.

Mackenzie and I didn't stay in the pool too long. After our swim, she decided to take a little nap. Everyone kept asking if I wanted to put her down. My response was, "No thank you. I'm enjoying every moment with her." She is my last baby and I'm eating up every minute that I can.

We all enjoyed the evening of good food and great friends. The kids were worn out and ready for bed. Hunter even slept till 6:30 the next morning :)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Lazy Saturday Morning

Mackenzie loves playing in her room. I can even leave her in there for about 10 minutes and she is happy to play with the toys that are around her. I keep a close eye, but let her explore on her own.
Hunter is marking his calendar and counting the days down until we come to Tennessee in June.

We LOVE Saturday mornings. I do the grocery shopping either Wednesday or Thursday afternoon before picking up the kids. This leaves Saturday mornings for cleaning and playing. We stay in our PJ's till almost lunch. Hunter has recently been concerned about staying in his PJ's. He'll ask me, "Mom, are you still in your jammies?" If I'm not, he will want to immediatly change. If I am, he is content with my answer. This weekend he decided he wanted to get dressed before I offered. I let him get his clothes and dress himself for the first time. Granted I bit my lip when he came out with a navy shorts on with a navy shirt. It was quite cute.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lovin' the Puffs

Mackenzie has always been a "busy" eater. What I mean by this is that she always is moving her hands and feet while I'm feeding her. I discovered that if I put puffs in front of her while I'm spoon feeding her, she keeps herself busy. I'm beginning to wonder if I can feed her too many puffs???

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Dying Easter Eggs

My little music man. His head gear is from him pretending to be a pirate earlier. His imagination is amazing. Getting ready to dye some eggs. Hunter's before picture.
Hunter had fun picking out his colors.
He did really well counting to 20 before pulling them out of the dye.

We had the Burke and Deardorff families over for dinner. Matthew put up our new light fixture in the kitchen with a dimmer, which I have waited for for 4 years. It looks great! The kids love getting together and playing. I thought it would be fun to have them dye Easter Eggs. The kids did a really good job. I was not sure how messy it would get, but there were only a few drops of dye on the Shamwow towels. I am not sure if they will eat them, but they had a blast decorating them. Thanks to Matthew for being our handyman and Kevin for helping out with his talents as well.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter Egg Hunt

Mackenzie with her Easter Egg basket. Nannie made both of the kids baskets. They are very special to us. The fam hanging out waiting for the fun to begin.
Hunter filling his basket.

Mackenzie enjoying her find.
Adam and Mackenzie hanging out in the shade.

Today Eagle's Nest had an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. The auditorium was filled with the exciting buzz of Easter. Adam usually works on Saturday mornings, but his didn't need to be at work until 11:45. I was so excited that he was going to get to experience this with us. The hunt was divided into 4 age groups. Mackenzie's "hunt" was in a classroom. They had a bunch of Easter grass in some blow-up pools and the eggs where hidden in the grass. Mackenzie and I just went over and picked up one egg and let the rest of the kids have fun finding the eggs. Hunter's age group was entertaining to watch. It was a great way to start off our Saturday.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Hunter's Easter Concert

Hunter and his friends were looking for us in the audience. The picture below shows him finding us. It was really cute.
Hunter's class did a remix of "Baa Baa Black Sheep". The kids had guitars to play along with the hard rock music. Below are some pics of the kids rocking it out.

At the end of the song, the kids all threw their guitars down on the floor.

Hunter and some of his friends.

One of the greatest memories I have of growing up is putting on concerts/programs at church. We love our church, Summit, but things are little more contemporary. Eagle's Nest, Hunter and Mackenzie's school puts on a concert/program at Christmas and Easter. It is so much fun to sit back and be a proud parent of a child during these events. I knew, from his teachers, that there would be more screaming than singing. I have been telling Hunter that he needed to use his "singing" voice and not his "screaming" voice. He did really well. Mackenzie loved watching the kids perform.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

I Present You With This Crown

Hunter and I model our crowns. Yes, he put a bug sticker on the front of mine. What a cute little "Reminder"!?!?!?!
Mackenzie and Hunter sporting their crowns.
She liked being the princess of the bunch.

Today, while I was feeding Mackenzie her lunch, Hunter was busy working on a "project" (his words. He was using some of my recycled paper to make everyone in our family a crown. He is really good at using scissors. He wasn't using regular scissors either. He was using scrapbook scissors, which can be hard to cut with. He created each one of us with a crown, and surprisingly enough they all fit. It was so cute, he came to me with his crown and said, "Mom, look at my crown." I looked up from feeding Mackenzie to see his crown sitting on his head with the big words "Reminder" on the front. He is a good little reminder. I was really shocked at #1 the fact he had cut in such a straight line; #2 he had the word "Reminder" right in the front. Now I think I'm going to have to wear that crown around all of the time because I am needing to be reminded to do a lot of things these days.

Friday Night Beach Outing

Surf's up!
I had forgotten to bring any toys for her to play with. She loved the sound of the Sun Chip bag so I let her play with that for a little bit. Hanging out with Mom.
Building a road for the truck.

Mackenzie checking out the water.
Love these pics!

Family pics at the beach.

Last night we decided to take the family to the beach. We made a few stops prior to getting to the beach, one of those was to pick up dinner. I love being at the beach. Just sitting on the towel watching Hunter and Adam play is one of the best feelings in the world. Mackenzie enjoyed grabbing the sand and trying to put it in her mouth. Next trip we are going to be taking a large blanket/quilt and place her in the middle. Luckily I don't think any of the sand got in her mouth, but it was close. The sunset was perfect ending to our wonderful evening.